"Works of grace"

One thing I get asked quite regularly is "if it is finished, then what about works", if I am laboring to enter rest, then do I have to do anything other than believe? My response is always no and yes, for my salvation the answer is no, "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved", it is Jesus plus nothing, but for my spiritual maturity and destiny in the Kingdom the answer is yes, because the grace of God also empowers us for His purposes on the earth. We are told to resist all evil, wicked, dead, devilish, carnal, and fleshly works, and to obey the Word and the Spirit, and be fruitful in every good work (Col 1:10).

God is still a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and that is in the New Covenant, Augustine said "Paul did not labor in order to receive grace, but he received grace, so that he might labor", referring to 1cor 15:10 where Paul is saying that by the grace of God he labored more than all the other apostles and saints. There are around 20 scriptures or so after "it is finished", that talk about works, here are a few that I encourage you to look up, 1cor 15:58, eph 4:12, heb 10:24, titus 3:14, titus 2:13&14. In Eph 2:8-10 paul tells us that salvation is by grace through faith not of works. So no good works saves us, but he goes on to say that we are God's workmanship created for good works. I was not saved by works but for works, the difference is the motivation. Most of my christian life I was working for God, rather than with Him, and always thought that my works would earn His love and approval. That is why I believe the more we understand the grace of God and our sonship then we will work from His love and approval and not for it.

Grace is not some kind of doorway into spiritual laziness and irresponsibility, it is a springboard into a life of obedience and fruitfulness. The difference is am I being motivated by law or love, insecurity or security. What I have found is that the more I understand the true Gospel of grace it does not produce a lazy," que sera sera" attitude in me and if it does than you need to take another look at what you are believing. There are so many believers right now who are getting off the merry-go-round of works based religion and that is good, but then many are throwing the baby out with the bath water and not wanting to do anything for the Kingdom at all.

Now I understand that "church" has wore out many of us, and the works we now do should be motivated by the grace that God by the Holy Spirit has placed on our lives for the areas that produce fruit and favor for His Kingdom. Jesus when speaking to the churches in the book of revelation both commended and reproved the churches for their works and labors, works of and by faith are the" fruit" of our salvation and grace is the "root". What I do know is this, that the more of a revelation of the finished work that I get, I am not "doing" less but actually more, the difference is I don't have too, I want too, and it has become an unforced rhythm of grace, not based in my ability but His. In the words of the apostle Paul " be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain".